Serving up my thoughts since 2004

Month: February 2008

Revenue Tracking with Google Website Optimizer

I came across this question on the Google Website Optimizer group:

Hi, I run a website where I sell 7 different products each at a different price level.
I am wondering whether there’s a way so that I can track the changes I make in terms of their effect on my overall revenue?

From a marketing perspective, this raises an interesting question.
Will the test version with the best conversion rate always bring the most revenue?

If what you are testing has no relationship to what you are selling, then probably yes.

On the other hand, lets say you want to test what product you should be highlighting.
In such a case, measuring overall revenue makes sense.

So here is how I would do it…

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Get Total Control of Google Website Optimizer

One of the limitations of Google Website Optimizer is that you have no control over which combination will be displayed to a user.

Wouldn’t it be great to have total control over which variation is displayed in each section?

For example, lets say you want to test a new navigation scheme that required testing of the page header and footer, but they had to be in sync with each other. In other words, header #1 must be displayed with footer#1, header #2 must be displayed with footer#2 and so forth.

This “hack” gives you the ability to read and write which variation is displayed in each section.

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