Serving up my thoughts since 2004

Google Analytics Tracking in Flash

Google just announced an official ActionScript 3 library for tracking flash events in Google Analytics.

You can read the whole post here:

I’ve implemented Google Analytics tracking from withing Flash in the past, but it was simply having the Flash call some JavaScript code on the page.

This solution is much more elegant and opens up many new possibilities.

This is also very exciting for Google Website Optimizer users, as it should now be very easy to use an event within a Flash as the conversion event.


  1. But what is it that really changed?
    That now in order to send a hit to GA servers
    we don’t need to trigger javascript from the hosting page?

    I mean..before that release you could use the OnClick on acs
    to fire up the call for GA..what has changed than?

    does it mean that now when the flash object embedded on sites
    that don’t allow external javascript like my space it will still send the hits/event?

  2. Hi Amit,
    Events are much more flexible than tracking with the pageview dimension. You can give your event a category, action, label and value. This is really powerful when used correctly.

    The library provided for flash also makes implementation much easier.

    Check out the Google Analytics tracking code API for more details.

  3. flash cs2 animation produced as in the present, can not use Google to provide the components of the official

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